Free Family Fun with Kids Crafts, Games and Activities

All families have goals to spend time together.

But, you need ideas in games, crafts and activities to meet your goals, right?


What’s even better about meeting your family goals, is that Kids Games, Crafts and Activities Can Equal Free Quality Family Time and Fun!

kids games

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Below, you’ll find a collection and list of kids games in crafting and free activities. But first, a little more on all the ways you’ll be enhancing your skills, connecting and building stronger parent/kid relationships, and meeting your family goals…


Why Are Kids Games in Crafting So Good for Everyone?


Crafts are excellent learning tools for your toddler.  We’ll go through the reasons why crafting games with your kids for family time are so important, and then give you some great kids crafting game ideas for toddlers too.

Some parents are skilled in crafts. Others are doing well to cut paper in a reasonably straight line. No matter which group you fall into, doing crafting games with your kids can be beneficial for all involved.

Few things bring families together like doing crafts and games. Here are some of the good things that come out of crafting with your kids.

Crafting Games Build Creativity

Developing minds need a creative outlet, and crafting provides the opportunity for kids to use their imaginations. It helps them learn to solve problems, and it could lay the groundwork for a lifetime of interest in art. For parents, getting creative can help reduce stress and promote using the brain in ways that we don’t have a reason to use it every day.

Craft Games Teach Kids to Follow Directions

This seems like a very basic skill, but we all know adults who can’t follow directions. When kids craft, they learn the consequences of not following directions when their projects don’t turn out as expected. This instills the importance of doing things the right way the first time.

For Toddlers, Crafting Games Help for Learning Basic Skills

Almost any type of craft promotes hand-eye coordination. Kids can also learn to use scissors, measure and do a lot of other things they will eventually do in every day life.

Parents and Kids Get a Day to Talk

In our busy lives, it seems that we know less about our kids than previous generations of parents knew.  Activities such as watching TV, do little to encourage conversation. But when you’re crafting together, talking comes naturally. You can seize the opportunity in your day to discuss such things as your child’s interests, his concerns, and how he’s doing in school.

A Game of Craft Helps You Wind Down Your Day

It’s wonderful for kids to be active, but there are times in the day when they need to calm down. If you find your kids getting agitated, or exhibiting too much energy near bedtime, try bringing out the crafting supplies. Crafts engage kids’ minds, giving them something to focus on, and a good reason to sit still for a while. At the end of the day, they can wind down.

A Game of Craft Builds Confidence

Parents who craft regularly, or pick a day in the week for crafting, know the feeling of accomplishment when a project is complete. Multiply this feeling by 20, and you have a pretty good idea of how your kids feel when they craft something. For kids, these types of games can help build positive self-esteem.

Crafting Games Teach Teamwork

Crafting games will help them develop skills needed to resolve disputes peacefully and effectively. It will also help them discover their strengths, and teach them that doing their best will make the entire project turn out better.

Games of Crafts Create Treasured Family Days of Memories

The finished product that day, will serve as a reminder of the fun you had making it together.

Crafts as a family game provide opportunities for us to interact with our children. They are also a valuable learning experience for them. Don’t worry if you aren’t the world’s greatest in these games together. Simply being willing to try, is a lesson to your kids in itself.

Take a treasured day of doing some games together, and get your toddler involved too.  Here are some great ideas…

Kids Game List Ideas: Fun Toddler Crafting Games 

Getting a toddler to sit still can be nearly impossible. They’re constantly exploring the world around them. That’s a good thing, but sometimes they need some creative downtime. That’s where kids craft game ideas come in.

For a number of reasons in your list above, these types of games are great for kids. They can help them develop longer attention spans, and hand-eye coordination. And young children can benefit from learning how to follow simple instructions. Here is a list of game ideas that your toddler can do (with supervision of course).


Game: Paint with Pudding

Kids love to fingerpaint, but it’s messy. And there’s also the concern about them eating the paint. Even if the paints are nontoxic, it can make cautious parents uneasy. The solution? Let them paint with pudding!

You don’t need different flavors to make different colors. Just use one serving of plain vanilla pudding, divide it up into small portions, and add food coloring to create various shades. Give your child a paper plate to use as a canvas for his masterpiece. When he’s done, he can eat it with no worries.


Game: Crafts Stick Puppets

Puppets are fascinating to toddlers. Creating their own puppets is easy, and it’s a lot of fun. All you really need are some craft or popsicle sticks, construction paper, safety scissors, markers and glue.

Help your kids cut animal shapes out of construction paper. They can draw faces and other details with washable markers. Glue the stick to the back of the shape, let dry, and they’re ready to put on a puppet show. 


Game: Design a T-Shirt

If your toddler sees you sewing or painting clothes with fabric paint, she may want to try her hand at designing clothes. But needles are small and sharp, and fabric paint is messy. What to do? Break out the markers!

Kids can have a blast decorating a plain white t-shirt with colorful markers. If you use washable ones, they can create a design, then wear it, and start over after you wash the shirt. If a permanent design is desired, you’ll have to let them use non-washable markers. You can avoid a mess by covering the work area with paper or news paper and putting a cover up smock on your toddler.

Here is a great how to video explained by a 5-year-old named Sienna. Your toddler might enjoy seeing a big kid explaining this craft game…



Game: Placemats

Making placemats out of contact paper is very easy. Have your toddler cut shapes out of construction paper, and glue them onto a whole piece with a glue stick. She can add detail with markers or embellish with stickers. When she’s done, place the artwork on a piece of contact paper, sticky side up. Place another sheet of contact paper on top, sticky side down.

Most toddlers will only have the patience to make one paper placemat at a time. But she can make another one tomorrow, continuing until there are enough for the whole table. She’ll be so proud to know that everyone sees her artwork at every meal!

As you can see, this list of kids craft game ideas and crafting as a family can help your toddler and kids learn important skills, while keeping them quietly occupied. Whether it’s a rainy day or they’re just feeling creative, seize the opportunity to let them channel their imaginations into something you can all admire.


Now, let’s get to your list of kids games and activities, and help you focus with certain goals on the FREE part!


Family Goals: Spend Free Quality Time Together Through Games and Activities…


Kid activities and games with your family don’t always have to be about cost. They can actually meet your goals to bring your family together, teach your kids many lessons, AND be absolutely free.


Let’s get into ways to save yourself costs first, so that you can see how your kid and family activity games are a simple and fun way to tackle any family budget plan.


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Why should you focus your goals on Kids Activity Games for your Free Family Fun?


Because Every Little Bit of Savings Adds Up


Living on a budget is the key to financial freedom, but getting started can be frustrating. When we look at our expenses and see all of those bills we’re paying every month, it’s easy to throw our hands up in disgust. But what about all those little expenses we incur, like our kids games and family activities? You might be surprised to find out just how much they amount to.


It’s easy to dismiss cutting back on little things. A few dollars a month won’t make a significant difference in the big picture. But a few dollars here and a few dollars there add up to a few more dollars. When you cut back in a lot of small ways, you could end up with a lot more money at the end of the month to meet your goals.


Goals: Waste Not, Want Not


One thing we can do across the board as goals that are good for the budget, are to stop wasting so much. This can apply to many areas in our lives. From eating to home heating, waste equals money going down the drain unnecessarily.


Goals: Additional Savings List


Goals List #1: Cooking for the family instead of eating takeout or dining out is a great way to save money. But if you’re throwing food out, the benefit is reduced. So if you have leftovers, don’t let them end up in the trash. Some dishes freeze well, and this makes for easy dinners when you don’t have time to cook.


Goals List #2: You could also eat dinner leftovers for lunch the following day, especially if you are planning your kid game activities outing.


Goals List #3: If your home is not well insulated, you’re probably wasting lots of money on home heating and cooling. Insulating will cost some money up front, but it will pay for itself quickly. If you have drafts around windows and doors, weather-stripping can help maintain the temperature of your home.


Goals List #4: Most households waste an unbelievable amount of electricity. This can be prevented in part by using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Turn lights, televisions, computers and other devices off when you’re not using them, and open blinds to take advantage of the sun’s light during the day.


Goals: Do Yourself a Favor; Do It Yourself List


Goals List #1: Any time you pay someone else to do something that you could do yourself, you’re spending money unnecessarily. This applies to little things like buying coffee instead of making your own, as well as to larger expenses such as home repairs.


Goals List #2: Many of us buy coffee or a soft drink from a convenience store or coffee shop on the way to work in the morning. This can really add up over time. Instead, make your own coffee, or buy soda in 2-liter bottles and pour some into a smaller bottle or cup to take with you.


Goals list #3: The same applies to lunches. Instead of springing for fast food, take a sandwich or something microwavable to work.


Goals List #4: While we’re not all good at all types of repairs and maintenance, most of us can do some things for ourselves. You could change your own oil instead of paying someone else to do it. If the walls need painting, consider getting friends and family to help you do it instead of hiring a painter. Things like these can save us a noticeable amount of money right away.


Goals List #5: When you add up the savings, little things can make a big difference to the budget. So take a close look at your budget and see what small expenses are lurking there. If you can eliminate or reduce them, it could positively impact your bottom line.


Now that you have so many examples of goals and ways to keep costs down, let’s get to our specific list focus on Free Family Fun and Kid Game Activities…



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Nature is The Ultimate Playground Game for Kids


Every year parents spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on toys and activities for their kids. While many of things are great for keeping young minds and bodies active, many of them are unnecessary.


Sure kids need structured play, but they also need “free” plan, and this is easy to do when the world’s largest playground is right outside your back door. Why not let them play outside games?


Every toy, book, and TV show that comes out has been designed in order to make it educational and entertaining for children. The great thing about nature is that, while being entertaining and stimulating to the imagination, it’s also educational. Nature can teach children the basics of science, economics, and creativity.


These Games Are Free


Depending on where you live, exploring nature is usually pretty inexpensive, if not free. It may mean going out in your backyard, local park, or perhaps going to the local nature center or state park. This way, you don’t have to pay for expensive toys, jungle gyms, or memberships to expensive entertainment centers, but you still get the benefit of stimulating and educational game play.


Kid Game Activities Make Them Think


Lately there’s been a trend in education towards inquiry based learning. Researchers have found that if students explore and experiment to figure out answers on their own, they’re going to learn better, and retain more information.


It also helps them develop skills to be able to learn things on their own later. What better environment to learn things than out in nature. There are lessons for kids of all ages to discover about the world around them.


It may help the world. Everyone these days is trying to be more green and more environmentally conscious. What better way to help do your part than to get your children interested in their own planet than right now when they’re young and impressionable? What might be a fun time for them now, might be a future hobby, career, or world saving invention.


Free Kid Activitiy Games Are Fun


While it’s easy to forget, childhood isn’t just for learning about how to be an adult, it’s also about having fun. Nature gives kids a chance to use their imagination and be free to just be kids.


While unstructured play outside is great for kids, you can also find a lot of places offering structured classes and learning sessions for kids that focus on the natural world. Check your local park, zoo, or museum. There’s a good chance they have free classes where you can sign up.


Free Kid Activity Games Develop Minds


Across the world, there are millions of dollars being spent to help promote sending your kids outside to learn from nature. That’s because spending time in the outside world is so important for developing minds. It can also be a great escape for you as well.


Too Cold Out? Keep the Free Kid Game Activities List Going


Sometimes, you can’t get outside. If it’s simply too cold out, here’s a great indoor and free kid game activity idea using Post Its…



More Fun & Free Kid & Family Game Activities


Fun Autumn Activity Games List For Kids


Fall winds blow and leaves make their decent from tree limbs. It is the perfect time for fun autumn game activities for kids.


Here is a list of some ways to have fun and games with your kids this fall:


Games List: Create a Free Autumn Yard Collage


This is a great way to get your kids involved in beautifying your front lawn for the fall season. In home free materials you will need to create your autumn yard collage include as ideas; hay bales, pumpkins (all sizes), scarecrows, witches, cornucopias, etc.


Anything related to fall will look wonderful. Stack your hay bales to create a backdrop. Next, place a huge scarecrow or witch on the center of the stack. Then add other complimentary fall accessories like cornucopias, corn stacks, etc. Let your kids give you ideas for your fun, family collage, and go for it!


Games List: Make a Haunted Tree for Free


Even if Halloween is over, making a haunted tree is a fun activity for everyone. It is especially great to do right after raking leaves. First, pick the biggest, best tree in your front yard; preferably one with many long, crooked limbs.


Next, take small white trash bags and stuff the top half with leaves from your yard. Twist and tie the bag into a knot, or use a twist-tie to close the end where the leaves stop.


Turn upside down and you have a ghost! Make as many of these ghosts as you can, then tie them to tree limbs. As the fall winds blow, your ghosts will haunt your tree.


gameGames List: Happy Autumn Cards While Helping Others is Fun & Free


Supply each kid with markers, paper, glue, glitter, stickers, etc. Let them make several autumn cards and write a special message on the inside of each one. After any wet appliqués are dried, gather the cards and take them to your local nursing home to distribute among patients.


So now you can see how the little things really add up to help your bottom line, and so many of these little things combine learning, living, developing and enjoying life together as goals with your kids and family…all for free.


Courtney & Betina~LaDy LaDuke


Kids Games, Crafts & Activities Equal Free Goals for Family Fun!


  1. Robin Masshole Mommy says

    We will be doing lots of crafts over the kids summer vacation. My little guy loves to make lots of crafty things 🙂

  2. Christine Tatum says

    I am printing this out to hang up someplace, so that it isn’t just me that says some of these things. Maybe then they will get it! Ha! Probably not – but here’s to hoping!!

  3. Amy Jones says

    Wow so many awesome tips and advices! Thanks for sharing this with us

  4. tara pittman says

    My boys love biking to the park. It is a fun free event.

  5. Caryn/The Mid Life Guru says

    Great ideas for grandparents to use too when the grand kids come to visit. thanks for sharing.

  6. Nikki Jenner says

    It is so much fun to take kids with activities that involve arts and crafts as well as games. I remember my sis when she is young.

  7. Sarah Bailey says

    Wow what some great sounding ideas – I used to love crafting as a child. x

  8. This is great! I think playing, crafting and nature, in general, foster great skills in children!

  9. Shannon Peterson says

    I love playing games with my son! They’re great for his development!

  10. Geraldine says

    Yes indeed, crafts are great for kids to follow instructions. One of the brilliant ways to learn! Lovely list you have.

  11. Elizabeth O. says

    Crafting, games and other activities are definitely important, it helps your child learn plenty of things and not just about the lessons in school but about life as well. I love how you listed all the activities and how it benefits a child. This is perfect for parents this summer!

  12. Stick puppets are fun. You never really outgrow those either. 😉

  13. Kathy Kenny Ngo says

    crafting is something that I really love … it doesn’t love me so much though coz I rarely get a really good looking project done

  14. peace kairu says

    I love this ideas, I always found it hard to come up with games for my cousins. Thanks for this

  15. Angie Scheie says

    This is such a great resource! I don’t have kids yet but I’m saving because it has so many great tips!

  16. My 9 year old loves making her own tshirts, it’s like a production factory in her room.

  17. Enricoh Alfonzo says

    this is such a brilliant family oriented post, I felt like I was reading a full length article in a great magazine. I love how it promotes creativity and unity.

  18. Ashley @irishred02 says

    Thanks for the list of freebies! Gotta love free!

  19. Nicole Escat says

    My son loves it when we are doing som crafts. So far, he loves paper cutting and coloring them.

  20. Tiffany Hathorn says

    Wow! This is a really extensive resource for parents and childcare providers. Definitely worth bookmarking.

  21. CourtneyLynne says

    Love this!!! My daughter and I are all a it crafts!!!! I’m so happy she loves them as much as I do!

  22. my daughter loves crafting she can just make anything from scratch! love the other ideas too! sharing this!

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